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Boost the ROI of employee engagement initiatives | Introducing Impact Drivers

Leapsome Team
Boost the ROI of employee engagement initiatives | Introducing Impact Drivers
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Employee engagement surveys are the best way to gather quantitative and qualitative responses from employees across your company to a whole range of questions. They can give you plenty of data — but once you have that data, you’re tasked with making sense of it all to create an action plan of initiatives to improve future responses. Not an easy feat for any management or people operations team.

The right tool can help you interpret survey response data

Fortunately, Leapsome’s Employee Engagement Survey features can help you interpret survey results, allowing you to dig into the data and decipher what’s most important. With our built-in functionalities, you can:

And much more.

The Leapsome Blog - Boost the ROI of Your Employee Engagement Initiatives: Introducing Impact Drivers

Introducing Leapsome’s Impact Drivers

In addition to all of these features, you can now determine which questions are correlated with one another when reviewing survey response data — all thanks to our new Impact Drivers.

Impact Drivers allow you to spot questions that might strongly impact responses to other questions. With this insight, you can focus your time and attention on the initiatives likely to have the most impact.

If the average scores for some questions are similarly low, it can be really hard to know where to put your efforts. But once you find correlations, you have an additional layer of information to help you understand which areas to prioritize.

By focusing on improving responses (and the resulting score) to one of the questions identified as having a strong connection with another, you’ll likely also see score improvements for the correlated question.

The Leapsome Blog - Boost the ROI of Your Employee Engagement Initiatives: Introducing Impact Drivers

How do Impact Drivers work?

When creating a survey within Leapsome, you can choose “target” questions. Responses to all other questions will then be tested for correlation with your targets. If a correlation is found, you’ll know that the question is an impact driver of the target question.

Leapsome will also show you whether the correlation is “very weak,” “weak,” “mild,” “strong,” or “very strong.”

The Leapsome Blog - Boost the ROI of Your Employee Engagement Initiatives: Introducing Impact Drivers

Putting Impact Drivers into action

Suppose a question has a “very strong” correlation with the target question. In that case, you’ll have a high, data-backed confidence level that putting time into planning and executing on  initiatives aimed at improving responses to this question will also likely improve responses to the target query over time.

And that’s a big win.

Of course, Impact Drivers are one layer of information provided within surveys results. The various data points — both quantitative and qualitative — should be combined to inform your action plan and to help you prioritize initiatives for improving overall engagement.

But let’s now look at Impact Drivers in isolation.

In the example we’ve shown, we see that the question, “My manager cares about my opinions,” has a very high correlation (and is, therefore, an Impact Driver) with the target question.

You can now determine, with a high level of confidence, that an initiative like training managers on active listening will not only improve responses to this question (team members will see that their opinions matter), but also likely impact responses to the target query (“I would recommend [company name] as a great place to work”).

You’ve now focused on one initiative that will impact more than one area.

Ultimately, Leapsome’s Impact Drivers help your management or people operations team understand where to focus their efforts — and this may even improve several areas in one go!

The Leapsome Blog - Boost the ROI of Your Employee Engagement Initiatives: Introducing Impact Drivers

— Interested in learning more about how Impact Drivers work or how you can use Leapsome’s Employee Engagement Surveys to measure and improve engagement within your organization? Book a demo and speak with one of our experts.

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Leapsome Team

Written by the team at Leapsome — the all-in-one people enablement platform for driving employee engagement, performance, and learning.
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