Oetker Digital

How Oetker Digital is using Leapsome to enable managers to deliver development-oriented reviews and gain actionable insights from pulse surveys

Oetker Digital is a digital unit of the Oetker Group, one of Europe’s largest family-owned food and beverage conglomerates. The mission of Oetker Digital is to define the essence of digital transformation and collectively shape the digital future of the Oetker Group. Nestled in Berlin, their headquarters are bustling with 90 talented individuals, actively engaged in over 60 distinctive projects across various group companies.
Berlin, Germany
Company size
Features used
  • Performance Reviews
  • Surveys
  • Goals
  • Learning

“Leapsome is very helpful to streamline processes and focus on employee engagement. 

It provides structure to everyone, and most importantly, it fosters a feedback and development culture. That is exactly what we’re aiming for — for everyone to be able to openly provide feedback and develop best within their role.”

Jaqueline Weinert
People Manager at Oetker Digital

The Challenge

Oetker Digital’s People team had initially identified the need to consolidate their feedback processes into a single tool. They had been using pesky, time-intensive Google forms and wanted to move away from them. Additionally, reviews were handled by the managers, and the People team could not track whether they were actually being completed or even held in the first place. With Oetker Digital focusing on delivering development opportunities and clear career progression paths to employees, the need for a consolidated review process became increasingly urgent.

“We were looking for something to combine and streamline the feedback process into one tool. We also wanted to have data on which employees were providing feedback in a leading role and who needed to improve. 

Employee development was one of the main topics we worked on back then. We started providing employees more development opportunities and introduced training budgets, but we also wanted to provide a clear framework for development.”

Additionally, Jacqueline Weinert, People Manager at Oetker Digital, became responsible for handling engagement topics within the tool. The team wanted to conduct surveys to gain insights into employee engagement and well-being.

The Solution

Oetker Digital decided Leapsome would be the perfect partner to work with to improve their development-oriented feedback process, conduct regular pulse surveys that would deliver actionable insights, and provide ongoing support as the team started tackling more projects.

Supporting managers with regular review processes

As is often the case when introducing new tools at an organization, people need time to get familiar with new processes, especially for companies moving away from an entirely manual set up. To support employees during the introduction of Leapsome, the People team at Oetker Digital set up onboarding meetings for managers focused on training them on how to use the platform, including tutorials on functionalities like setting up templates and automations. 

On top of that, managers received ongoing support from the People team to set up their review processes. Oetker Digital is leveraging the high level of automation and customization to build a process for managers requiring very little administrative overhead. Once an automation and a template are set up, Leapsome sends reminders to participants, and all that’s left to do is to provide feedback to direct reports. This clears up a lot of time for managers and gives the People team certainty that every employee receives regular reviews.

Pulse-checking the organization through regular surveys

At the beginning of 2023, Jaqueline started working with Leapsome’s survey module, hoping to gain insights and feedback from different teams across the organization.

“What I really like about the survey tools is that you get a lot of insights. I started working with it and set up a pilot survey in January, and what came through was various insights about the different teams. The heatmap provides a great overview of what we need to work on next. The comments section enables employees to give additional input on topics we weren’t necessarily asking about previously.”

The monthly pulse surveys allowed employees to share feedback and provide the People team with valuable insights they can use to define initiatives. 

The Result

Conducting performance reviews is still in the hands of managers, and they now have a much more streamlined process to do so. All feedback cycles are recorded in Leapsome, and managers are getting support from the People team in setting up review templates. Oetker Digital uses its company values to evaluate its employees. Still, because every team is a little different, managers are given the freedom and support they need to tweak review templates exactly how they want them.

They now have an ongoing feedback process every six months for every employee.

Survey analysis with action

Jaqueline and the People team at Oetker Digital understand that surveys can’t be impactful if they’re not followed by action, and they can even be harmful if employees are left feeling ignored. Although Oetker Digital has only conducted five pulse surveys so far, they’ve surfaced various initiatives to work on to make working life at Oetker Digital even more enjoyable.

Jaqueline recounts that one of their biggest achievements since introducing the pulse surveys was the ability to provide more employee benefits. Despite never explicitly asking about it, the team received many comments from employees asking for additional benefits.

The insights they received enabled them to prioritize this, and they have since been able to offer more benefits tailored to their team, making Oetker Digital an even better place to work. 

Jaqueline expects that the continued use of Leapsome’s survey tool will support them in surfacing even more initiatives to run, and she predicts that by next year they’ll see a big difference in employee sentiment.

What’s next for Oetker Digital’s use of Leapsome

Since the team has already been seeing the positive impact Leapsome’s Survey and Review modules have had on the organization, they now want to focus on digging into the data to become even more impactful in their usage. This will help them assess how their processes are working and where they might need to make adjustments to be even more successful.

Jaqueline and the People team also plan to work on a new competency framework for their reviews to provide a clear roadmap of career progression for employees. 

Additionally, the team wants to leverage the learning module more and is planning to set up a variety of onboarding and upskilling learning paths for leadership and employees. Jaqueline believes that with the help of Leapsome’s learning paths, the Oetker Digital team would have a quick and easy way to learn about topics that would normally be a tedious process in any organization, such as labor laws or IT security.

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