
Integrate Leapsome & Jira to keep track of open and completed Issues linked to your Goals & OKRs.

Illustration of person stacking blocks, by LeapsomeIllustration of person moving a scale on a website.
Illustration of a person carrying a rectangular box into an open shelf.Illustration of a person holding a puzzle piece while sitting at a desk with a laptop, by Leapsome


Connect daily work with strategic goals and OKRs

Make goals part of the day-to-day conversation.

Build alignment

Ensure that everyday work is aligned with company goals.

Empower your people

Provide clarity on how daily tasks contribute to strategic goals.

Easy setup

Integrate Jira with Leapsome in just a few clicks.

Illustration of two people carrying a box over stairs, another two stacking blocks mid-air, and another two working on a board with boxes and scales, transparent background
Already a Leapsome customer? Learn how to setup the Jira integration

Empower your people

Boost your peoples’ morale with a clear picture of how their efforts and time contribute to their team, department, or company's strategic goals.

Instant feedback screenshot
Public praise screenshot

Build alignment

Ensure that everyday tasks are meaningful, aligned, and connected with the overall company goals. Build a collaborative atmosphere at work and break down organizational silos with shared goals and tasks.

Instant feedback screenshot

About Jira

Jira is the tracker for teams planning and building great products. Thousands of teams choose JIRA to capture and organize issues, assign work, and follow team activity. At your desk or on the go with the new mobile interface, JIRA helps your team get the job done.

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1,600+ forward-thinking companies choose Leapsome

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